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Copyright © 2001 Ed DeRouin All Rights Reserved
Welcome to IdentifyFossils Links!
Here are some links that may be useful to you. Most are paleontology-related,
but a few are on other subjects I enjoy. These are listed separately, for your convenience.
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Fossil/Paleontology Related Sites
The Paleontology Portal:
This site has gathered many different resources into this "portal" to paleontological information.
You can browse through an extensive gallery of fossils specimens from a number of museums, explore
paleontological time and space, and learn about professional paleontologists. Once you have identified
your fossil, this is a great place to learn more.
Dr. Beachcomb, The Consummate Beachcomber:
I know a lot of you find your fossils on the beach. This is the site for fossil collectors and
consummate beachcombers alike. Includes tips, terms, beach info, links and stunning photos of
beach treasures.
Lost Fossils Group:
A well-organized group with active message boards, fossil pictures, a
list of fossil-hunting locations, and lots of other useful information.
Mineralogical, Lapidary and Fossil clubs of the United States. Rockhounds
maintains a list organized by state.
Dino Russ's Lair
Paleo resources, mostly related to dinosaurs (as the name implies!)
Links, Annotated links to internet resources, especially for palaeobotanists
(with an Upper Triassic bias).
Information Page Established by members of the rockhounds mailing
list. Lots of links to sites related to rock and fossil collecting.
Eocene Fossils
Representative specimens of 22 Tertiary Insect Orders.
Verhulst's Fossils
site selling dinosaur eggs and egg nests and other fossils like trilobites, megalodon teeth, and dinosaur bones and skulls.
Low Country Fossils
Fossil shark tooth collector who sells shark teeth. He has some
excellent pictures, including some very interesting deformed teeth.
Dinosaur Dental Discoveries
A dental care group in Florida has gathered some interesting facts about dinosaur teeth.
Geology Online: 105 Websites that Rock
A blog that lists selected sites presenting modern geological and hydrological research, discussions, and even photographs from land, sea, and space that illustrate the complexity and diversity of Earth's geologic processes.