Geology of New York : A Simplified Account
Earth Treasures: The Northeastern Quadrant
Copyright © 2001 Ed DeRouin All Rights Reserved
Geology of New York : A Simplified Account
IdentifyFossils New York Links
Here are some links that may be useful to you. Most are paleontology-related,
but a few are on other subjects I enjoy. These are listed separately, for your convenience.
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Fossil/Paleontology Related Sites
Mohawk Valley Fossils
Examines the ocean sediments deposited during the Middle to Late Ordovician Period in the Mohawk River Valley of New York.
Paleontology and Beach Fossils of the New York Bight
A short collection of images of fossils collected from Rockaway Beach (Queens, NY), Staten Island, and Sandy Hook (NJ).
New York Paleontology
Discussion and photos of fossils and fossil locations for various strata with special emphasis on the Middle Devonian.
Prehistoric Pittsford
An educational web site focusing on the Silurian Eurypterid Fauna.
York Earth Science Teacher A resource for earth science and environmental science
teachers and their students.
Fossil Collecting, NY and PA sites
Places to go and hints for collecting fossils in New York and Pennsylvania.
A resource for fossil collectors in and around the mid-Atlantic region.
Includes virtual tours of fossil sites, and fossil identification.
Other Interesting Sites
The finest Bass Fishing site on the web. I should know; I wrote it! Take a break from cleaning fossils and do some bass fishing!
